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Back To School Books
No matter what your age or grade level, books are among the most valuable educational materials. If you are a teacher, they are the tools of your trade. If you are a student, they are the key by which you can unlock knowledge and understanding. With the start of a new term, buying books for school is a necessity for many students and teachers alike. Buying back to school books from ThriftBooks is a pleasure because of the wide selection and affordable prices.
Books on Every Subject
When you or your child first get back to school, the teacher may assign a reading list of books to be read by the end of the term. You can get a head start on completing the assignment by ordering all the books on the list from ThriftBooks. We offer a wide variety of books for all ages, from timeless classics to contemporary favorites. Because our prices are so low, you can afford to purchase the entire list at the same time.
However, there is much more to our back to school books than literature assigned for reading lists. Whether it is assigned reading or supplemental, something you read for school or for your own edification, we have books on all subjects, including:
- Computers and technology
- Economics and business
- Foreign languages
- Finance
- Medicine
- Writing guides
- And more!
If you are the parent of a school-age child, there are also books to help you guide him or her into a new school year.
Cheap Textbooks
If you are a college student, it is usually your responsibility to purchase your own textbooks. Like many students, you may have limited resources at your disposal, and buying used textbooks is an excellent way to save money. Shopping our site is convenient; once you get information about required texts from your professor, you can enter it into our search function. With 13 million titles, we are sure to carry what you need at prices that beat the campus bookstore. If you need your books for school immediately, we offer expedited shipping, and to help you save on your purchase, standard shipping is free.
Resources for Teachers
As a teacher, you have one of the most rewarding but difficult jobs in the world. We help to make it a little easier with a wide range of education workbooks with activities for all grade levels to help make learning accessible while keeping it fresh and exciting. We also offer a broad selection of resources specific to the teaching profession.
Study Guides
Study guides are supplemental materials for students of all education levels that help reinforce what they are learning in the classroom. Study guides can benefit students in the following ways:
- Organizing information
- Highlighting important concepts
- Improving comprehension
Study guides assist students to think about what information is the most important and enable them to check their own understanding. They accomplish this by appealing to several different learning styles that may be overlooked in the classroom, usually with a particular emphasis on visual learning.
Study guides are not only beneficial for grade-school students. Undergraduates looking to enter a postgraduate professional program often rely on them to prepare for entrance exams such as the LSAT or MCAT exams.
Purchase Back to School Books From Us
From study guides to used textbooks to education workbooks and other resources for teachers, we offer all the types of books for school you need. In addition to our regular ThriftBooks deals on popular and eclectic titles, we also offer you the chance to enroll in our ReadingRewards program. You can redeem points you earn from purchases toward free books and even some surprises. Get your school year off to a great start with ThriftBooks.