Thanks for exploring the craft of writing with us this year! We’ll be here to support your practice in 2024, with the help of some of your favorite authors.
“My stories come to me as clichés. A cliché is a cliché because it’s worthwhile. Otherwise, it would have been discarded. A good cliché can never be overwritten; it’s still mysterious.”
“Whether you plot ahead of time or write to discover your story, you’ll eventually arrive at the same place: a point where you know the whole story. When you get there, you are liberated. You can focus on your prose.”
“Setting is, in my view, the most underutilized tool in fiction. And to subsume its virtues under another category is to neglect its actual horsepower.”
SVA's one-year MA in Design Research, Writing and Criticism, a.k.a. DCrit, explores the social and cultural impacts of design through journalistic investigation and critical questioning. Join us for our last online info session on Tuesday, January 9th at 7:00pm ET to receive an application fee waiver and learn more about our program. Application deadline January 15, 2024.
“I will always move through fiction, to some degree, like a toddler on a walk. But a love of the micro need not preclude attention to the macro. The toddler has motivations, too.”