THIS WEEK: Harlan Coben was born in 1962 in Newark, NJ.
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A look at this week's best new releases in crime fiction, nonfiction, mystery, and thrillers. | CrimeReads
How to write a true crime narrative with a co-author who has been dead for more than 150 years. From Kate Winkler Dawson's new book, The Sinners All Bow. | CrimeReads
Ryan Britt on five great spy novels that take place in small towns. | CrimeReads
Why we tell the same stories over and over again (and get something different each time). From Isa Arsén. | CrimeReads
Gareth Rubin on six trick novels that play with form. | CrimeReads
Crime and the City visits Botswana. From Paul French. | CrimeReads
Ireland, smuggling, and the strange things you learn in the name of research. From Ellie Brannigan. | CrimeReads